Giesela Andersson's Liberia Pictures

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1974 75 Giesela,Susann o Carina.jpg A day at the beach in Buchanan.jpg A day by the pool.jpg A day when everything went wrong 1.jpg A day when everything went wrong 2.jpg A day when everything went wrong 3.jpg
A fun day in Liberia.jpg A good evening is all.jpg And again Mini Honda.jpg Andersson family 74 75.jpg At the tennis courts.jpg Big stuff oh yes,Nimba Mine.jpg
Birthday time.jpg Bror and Ulla Andersson,84.j Bror Andersson showing us the tiniest of birds..jpg Bror,Carina,Sus and Giesela having breakfast..jpg Bror,Susanne & Giesela Andersson looking at the view..jpg By the pool.jpg
Carina & Gynter.jpg Carina and Ulla Andersson relaxing.jpg Carina Andersson 76 I think.jpg Carina Andersson(Jons broke her legg.jpg Carina Mini Honda this time.jpg Christ the King Church 1.jpg
Christ the King Church.jpg Coconut time.jpg Conchita,her sis with boyfriend.jpg Crowns on the head.jpg Family Andersson.jpg Fun at the Hutt.jpg